Saturday, August 24, 2019

Yiynova Drivers Windows 10

This video is for those of you that upgraded to windows 10 and are having a hard time making your yiynova work correctly specially in extended / dual monitor display.. Problems with drawing monitor i own a msp19u+ that's worked very well on windows 7. unfortunately yiynova, the tablet manufacturers, have yet to release a win10 specific version. the fault appears to be with windows 10 or drivers, as usage with a windows 7 computer allowed normal movement and sensitivity. really need this. Matt october 23, 2015 at 12:51 pm weird…i’ve had no issues using my yiynova with windows 10. i’m using the 5.02 driver on my big machine and the 8.01 on my laptop..

Review: Yiynova MVP10U Pen Display Tablet Monitor | Parka ...

Review: yiynova mvp10u pen display tablet monitor | parka

Panda city llp. , panda city, lcd monitor, yiynova, dp10, msp15, wdp10 , wdp10d, tablet, pen touch monitor, touch screen, pen touch screen, usb monitor, usb lcd. Latest products : news 16fe launched ,amazing mobility mvp16 [2017-11-28]. About yiynova. buy now! dp10/dp10hd. dp10u. msp19. msp19u. mvp22u. manuals. dp10/dp10hd; driver name: operating system: driver version: dp10/dp10hd tablet driver: windows xp/vista/7(32 bit) v3.44: 2009-09-14 : dp10/dp10hd tablet driver: windows 7(64 bit) v4.13: 2011-05-04 : dp10/dp10hd tablet driver: windows 8: v5.01: 2012-11-02 : dp10.

yiynova drivers windows 10

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