Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Fully Customized TweetMeme ReTweet Button for Your Blog Post

A Fully Customized TweetMeme ReTweet Button for Your Blog Post

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The thumbnail for this post is using Birdies~Cute Free Twitter Icons

Just few weeks ago, I added a TweetMeme Button to Graphic Identity Blog post. As you know already, that Twitter has became a big community to exchange links about latest news, pictures, blip of songs, and of course a blog post. These exchange is made happened by some ReTweet actions chain.
If you have a particular blog and you are familiar enough with this ReTweet term (or you can make it short as "RT"), then you may want to know about how to add a TweetMeme ReTweet Button to your blog post. It will track the number of RTs made for each blog post.
Actually the instruction to install the TweetMeme Button is clearly stated on Tweetmeme Help page. But I just want to let you know that Ive combined several codes all together, so you will know that it is a fully customized TweetMeme RT button.

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First of all, lets try to understand some options that make TweetMeme button as a smart RT add on for you blog.

Custom RT @username

tweetmeme_source = talktweetmeme;
By default the RT button will direct you in the format of "RT [@tweetmeme] [blog post title] [link]". If you want to see different format as if the RT comes after you, just change talktweetmeme with your own Twitter username. This is pretty good because not only your blog post is spread out via RTs chain, but the other Twitter users can check your Twitter profile when someone RT your blog post and probably become your new follower :).
This is the example of how the customized code like:
 tweetmeme_source = graphicidentity;
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Your Blog Permalink URL

tweetmeme_url =;
As it is intended as a RT for each blog post Permalink. Be sure to add your Permalink (permanent link) of your blog post with an exact CMS link format code. Im using Classic Blogger Blogspot CMS, so I included ‹$BlogItemPermalinkURL$› to have a correct blog post link in the RT. Here is how the code will look like:
 tweetmeme_url = ‹$BlogItemPermalinkURL$›;

If you are using New Blogger Blogspot, there is a great tutorial to get the right permalink posted by Chetan. He is also my nice Twitter mate :)
Wordpress CMS users wont find any difficulties with coding to install this add on, because TweetMeme has provided a TweetMeme Button Wordpress plugin.

URL Shortener Service

tweetmeme_service =;
The TweetMeme button add on allows you to use any URL shortener you like. The default option is: URL shortener. Long URL wont help other Twitter user to RT your blog post right? :D
If you prefer to have as the URL shortener, just change the "tweetmeme_service" parameter as shown here:
tweetmeme_service =;

Button Styling

tweetmeme_style = compact;
The last options to complete the customization steps could be the button styling. Some of you may like a compact button. For that you just need to include the code above. Dont include this code if you want more bigger button.
Here is another tutorial, written by to style your TweetMeme button if you are a New Blogger Blogspot user.

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The next step is to to save all combined codes to your template. Please remember that Im using Classic Blogger Template. So here is the codes that Ive included in the end of Blogger HTML post tags, just before the comment tags:
‹script type="text/javascript"›
tweetmeme_source = graphicidentity;
tweetmeme_url = ‹$BlogItemPermalinkURL$›;
tweetmeme_service =;
tweetmeme_style = compact;
‹script src="" type="text/javascript"›

If you wanna know where your TweetMeme code is supposed to be added in New Blogger Template? Just visit this Anshul Dudejas tutorial post to find out.

I hope you will find this tutorial useful and a RT is much appreciated! ;) Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Available link for download