Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Perfect Organism

A Perfect Organism

Fox has declared today to be "Alien Day".  4/26, LV-426, get it?  Im normally loathe to embrace such a nakedly transparent corporate marketing gimmick, but man do I love "Alien".  Its second only to "The Godfather" on my personal list of greatest movies.  Its also the best Lovecraftian film ever released.  Writer Dan OBannon was always open about his love of the Mythos, and theres a strong case to be made that "Alien" adapts the broad strokes of "At the Mountains of Madness" for a modern audience.

In honor of the occasion Jason McKittrick has a special limited edition "Alien" plaque featuring H.R. Gigers Xenomorph design.  And by "limited edition" he means "only available today". 

Available link for download