Thursday, February 9, 2017
50 off Java SE Desktop Application with Swing JPA and Maven course coupon 10
50 off Java SE Desktop Application with Swing JPA and Maven course coupon 10
Get a hands on experience in the latest technologies: Maven, JPA and Swing
Lectures 72
Video 8.5 hours
Skill Level All Levels
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion
When I started software engineering, I always wanted to code without any configurations, version control or build server configurations . Later, I realized that coding is just one part of software engineering: architectural designs, design patterns and the ability to write reusable and loosely coupled software components are much more important parts of programming. At the beginning it was quite hard for me to comprehend the role of these technologies, now I know for ceratain that they are very important as well as useful and can be used on daily basis. So in this course I would like to show you how to separate modules with the help of maven as well as to use the Java Persistence API for database related operations. We will cover Maven in the irst section. Then we will consider JPA as a framework. We will learn how to create fancy user interfaces with the Swing framework. At the last section of the course we will wire everything together.
Hope you will like it!
Full details
Use Java Persistence API framework
Use Maven framework
Able to create complex applications from scratch
Use Swing framework
This course is meant for everyone who knows basic Java and wants to get a good grasp of professional software engineering and design
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Java SE Desktop Application with Swing, JPA and Maven
Java SE Desktop Application with Swing, JPA and Maven course coupon
Java SE Desktop Application with Swing, JPA and Maven coupon
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