Wednesday, March 15, 2017

100 off Portrait Photography from Studio to Photoshop course coupon Free

100 off Portrait Photography from Studio to Photoshop course coupon Free

How to take pictures in Studio and perform high-end beauty retouching in Adobe Photoshop
Lectures 29

Video 2 hours

Skill Level All Levels

Languages English

Includes Lifetime access

30 day money back guarantee!

Available on iOS and Android

Certificate of Completion

This course is designed to give you all necessary tips and tools to create great studio portraits. We are going to discuss three easy studio lighting set up you can use in your work, I will also explain you how to choose correct camera settings during your work.

After you finish this course you will be able to use all professional techniques to perform high-end beauty portraits retouching: 2-step and 3-step frequency separation, 2 different ways of Dodge and Burn. We will also discuss how to process pictures in Adobe Camera Raw, how to get correct colors, add additional sharpness and perform color toning.

Most of the course we discuss portraits beauty retouching and it does not cover more advanced topics about studio lighting. It contains three lighting schemes that are universal and can be used even if you are first time in studio.

Full details

Set three different lighting schemes

Set correct camera setting during the work in Studio

Process files in Adobe Camera Raw

Perform 2 and 3-steps frequency separation

Perform Dodge and Burn in two different ways

Correct color and sharpness of the image

Work with the Liquify filter

Full details

Everyone who is interested in Studio Photography

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Portrait Photography: from Studio to Photoshop
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