Sunday, March 5, 2017

a break from your regularly scheduled blog post

a break from your regularly scheduled blog post


 I hate to do this but I am afraid the tutorial that I just started is going to have to take a back seat for a while. Sorry!! I thought I was going to have more time to finish it, but somethings have come up recently (good things :) ) that are going to prohibit me from finishing it just yet. I am starting about 3 weeks of design/animation work on "The Wall and the Wing" for Laika next week, and then after that will most likely be starting something very exciting! But will wait to share that with you all until its official. So, until then I may post little pieces of animation, designs, or little thoughts on animation from time to time. Again, I apollogize for not being able to finish the tutorial as promised, but if at all possible I intend to continue when I can. Thanks for your patience everyone.

P.S This is just a little piece I did for fun-- I am still getting used to the whole painting thing :) 

Available link for download