Friday, April 21, 2017

21 Search Engine Optimisation Web Analytics and Traffic Building

21 Search Engine Optimisation Web Analytics and Traffic Building

Submit to Google – Google’s official web submission page.
Yahoo! Site Explorer – Dig into all pages indexed by Yahoo!
Advanced Search Operators - Instruct Google where in the pages or site, or even in which site, it should look to execute the query.
Just Search Blog – Great SEO blog updated daily with Internet marketing and search engine optimisation related news.
Free SEO Software– I have tried many SEO software packages and Web CEO is without doubt the most complete, easy to use, and the best of all, it has a well packed free version.
Web CEO University – Test and improve your Search Marketing expertise with this free SEO course.
Quintura – The visual search engine. It extracts keywords from search results and builds a word cloud. By clicking words in the cloud, you refine your query. You can also download the standalone software.
131 (Legitimate) Link Building Strategies - In search engine optimization (SEO), ‘off page’ factors have become more and more important as they relate to rankings. This article covers well-founded techniques to increase you link popularity.
The Art of Linkbaiting– Learn strategies that will make your backlinks go through the roof.
Wordtracker Keyword Tool - The free keyword suggestion tool from Wordtracker to help your website rank higher in the search engines.
XML Sitemaps - Free Online XML Sitemap generator. XML Sitemaps are an easy way for webmasters to inform search engines about pages on their sites that are available for crawling.
HTML Sitemap Generator - The HTML Sitemap Generator tool can be used to make HTML sitemap webpages for your website.
Google Analytics - Use Google Analytics to see how visitors actually interact with your site.
Adsense Alternatives – Here’s a huge list of alternatives of advertising platforms to help you monetise your website.
Free SEO Tools – A wide range of search engine optimisation tools.
21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic– Killer tactics to get more visitors to your blog.
15 Most Common Errors in an AdWords Campaign– Common pitfalls that marketers commit over and over again.
URL rewriting – Make your URL’s SEO friendly.
Ping-o-Matic - Update different search engines that your blog has updated.
Pingoat - Notify a number of services that keep track of weblogs and publish them.

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