Saturday, April 29, 2017

30 40 off Fraud Analytics Case study using Logistic Regression

30 40 off Fraud Analytics Case study using Logistic Regression

The application of analytics for Fraud Detection with a case study using Logistic Regression with the language of SAS.
Lectures 15

Video 1.5 hours

Skill Level Intermediate Level

Languages English

Includes Lifetime access

30 day money back guarantee!

Available on iOS and Android

Certificate of Completion


This course covers a case study on fraud detection using logistic regression analysis in the language of SAS. By the end of this course you will learn about the various types of fraud. You will learn what information to use from the available data to detect different kinds of fraud.

You will also earn the approach and best practices in using a logistic regression based approach to fraud detection.

You get access to 13 videos. It will take you about one and a half hours if you complete the course in one stretch.

Full details

In this course you will learn about the various types of fraud.

You will also learn what information to use from the available data to detect different kinds of fraud.

You will learn the approach and best practices in using a logistic regression based approach to fraud detection.

By the end of the course you will understand the application of analytics for Fraud Detection

Full details

Anybody interested in fraud analytics, financial analytics and all those who want to begin a career in Financial Analytics.

Jigsaw Academy
Fraud Analytics: Case study using Logistic Regression
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