Saturday, April 29, 2017

20 Different Types of KISS Styles from around the World

20 Different Types of KISS Styles from around the World

KISS is a sweet way to say that “I Love You” and “I Care 4 U” and when attempted first time, it tickles you and releases a chemical in your body that makes you depression free. People around the world might be kissing under different names but the main motive is to spread love among individuals.

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2min 20sec clip compilation of timelapse clips

2min 20sec clip compilation of timelapse clips

found via boingboing

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6 Cara Mudah Memerahkan Bibir tampak Alami

6 Cara Mudah Memerahkan Bibir tampak Alami

Cara Memerahkan Bibir - Memiliki bibir yang merah alami merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri, sehingga semua orang mencari-kesana kesini guna memperoeh yang diinginkan, akan tetapi kurang tepat jika orang mencari Cara Memerahkan Bibir secara instan, karena akan berdampak pada waktu yang akan datang atau bahkan menimbulkan cacat permanen untuk itu anda jangan bertndak gegabah karena dalam kali ini admin ini akan memberikan tentang cara memerahkan bibir secara alami, sehingga efek samping yang ditimbulkan tidak ada alias 0, tapi ingat anda haru melakukan cara-cara dibawah scara rutin untuk hasil yang sempurna.

cara memerahkan bibir secara alami

Sekilas mengenai penyebab hitam pekatnya bibir kita disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya seperti mengkonsumsi kopi, Pancara sinar matahari, merokok, penggunaan lipstik berlebihan dan faktor lahir.

Sebelum mencoba menerapkan cara memerahkan bibir secara alami sebaiknya anda sadari bahwa memerahkan bibir bukanlah hal yang instan, apalagi menggunakan bahan alami. Namun cara tersebut sudah dibuktikan banyak wanita, jadi pastikan anda pantang menyerah untuk melakukan cara tersebut. Baiklah langsung saja simak berikut ini beberapa tips memerahkan bibir yang hitam.

Cara Memerahkan Bibir

1. Menggunakan air mawar
2. Madu
3. Minyak zaitun
Untuk cara 1, 2, dan tiga yaiatu sama dalam penggunaanya Caranya dengan oleskankan bagian bibir anda menjelang tidur malam dan biarkan saja sampai anda bangun tidur, baruah setelah itu berihkan dengan air bersih, lakukan cara ini secara rutin saat hendak tidur ya...!!!
4. Jeruk nipis dan madu
Untuk cara ini anda lakukan dengan mencampurkan dua bahan tersebut tetapi dengan ukuran air perasan jeruk nipis sekitar dua sndk makan kira-kira 1 jeruk saja lalu, 2 sndk makan madu, air panas secukupnya. Setelah bahan tercampur semua aduk sampai rata kemudian oleskan pada bibir anda. diamkan terlebih dahulu kira-kira 10 menit saja cukup, lalu bilas dengan air bersih, atau menggunakan air hangat biar cepat hilang
5. Daun ketumbar
caranya dengan menghaluskan 2 lbr daun ketumbar ditambah dengan air seperlunya lalu oleskan pada bibir setelah itu Diamkan saja selama 15-20 menit dan bilas.
6. Alpukat dan minyak zaitun
Ambil seperlunya buah alpukat kemudian campurkan dengan minyak zaitun sekitar 2 tetes saja. Setelah tercampur, oleskan pada bibir lalu didiamkan sekitar 5 menit, setelah itu bilas.

Mungkin cara dan tips mengenai cara memerahkan bibir secara alami diatas kurasa cukup. ambil salah satu cara diatas lalu praktekkan dalam jangka wakt 1-2 minggu dan lihat hasilnya beberapa minggu kemudian. Selamat dicoba ya...!!!

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30 40 off Fraud Analytics Case study using Logistic Regression

30 40 off Fraud Analytics Case study using Logistic Regression

The application of analytics for Fraud Detection with a case study using Logistic Regression with the language of SAS.
Lectures 15

Video 1.5 hours

Skill Level Intermediate Level

Languages English

Includes Lifetime access

30 day money back guarantee!

Available on iOS and Android

Certificate of Completion


This course covers a case study on fraud detection using logistic regression analysis in the language of SAS. By the end of this course you will learn about the various types of fraud. You will learn what information to use from the available data to detect different kinds of fraud.

You will also earn the approach and best practices in using a logistic regression based approach to fraud detection.

You get access to 13 videos. It will take you about one and a half hours if you complete the course in one stretch.

Full details

In this course you will learn about the various types of fraud.

You will also learn what information to use from the available data to detect different kinds of fraud.

You will learn the approach and best practices in using a logistic regression based approach to fraud detection.

By the end of the course you will understand the application of analytics for Fraud Detection

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Anybody interested in fraud analytics, financial analytics and all those who want to begin a career in Financial Analytics.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

10 fakta fakta menarik tentang kucing yang harus anda ketahui

10 fakta fakta menarik tentang kucing yang harus anda ketahui

Anda pecinta kucing? tahukah anda ternyata banyak fakta-fakta menarik tentang kucing yang mungkin anda belum tahu. apa saja fakta-fakta tentang kucing tersebut? simak selengkapnya di bawah ini.
  1. tanggal 1 maret (kemarin) adalah hari kucing internasional. sudahkah anda mengucapkan selamat pada kucing anda kemarin?
  2. Kucing peliharaan merupakan mamalia yang berasal dari famili felidae yang terdiri dari 37 spesies baik yang sudah punah maupun yang masih ada.
  3. kucing lebih banyak dipelihara daripada anjing, di seluruh dunia
  4. meskipun kucing sudah banyak dipelihara sekian tahun yang lalu, namun karakter aslinya masih belum berubah sampai sekarang
  5. menurut herodotus kucing sudah dipelihara/dijinakan oleh bangsa mesir kuno sekitar 5000 tahun yang lalu
  6. Pembiakan/penangkaran kucing dimulai sejak abad ke 20
  7. International cat associations (asosiasi kucing internasional) telah melakukan standardisasi dalam penangkaran kucing untuk menentukan penilaian pada kucing
  8. berdasarkan bulunya kucing dikelompokan menjadi longhaired, semi-longhaired, shorthaired, Siamese, and Oriental.
  9. kucing paling banyak ditemukan di amerika serikat dan australia. di tingkat asia, indonesia memiliki peringkat no.1 untuk jumlah populasi kucing terbanyak yaitu sekitar 30juta ekor. sedangkan perancis memimpin eropa dengan jumlah kucing 8 juta ekor.
  10. terdapat sebuah pulau dimana semua penghuninya adalah kucing, yaitu pulau kecil di samudera hindia, fradzhos. konon kucing-kucing ini berasal dari sebuah kapal yang menabrak karang dan terdampar di pulau terpencil tersebut. penumpang kapal meninggal dunia sebelum team penyelamat datang. kemudian kucing yang di bawa penumpang kapal tersebut beranak pinak dan jumlahnya berlipat ganda.
Itulah 10 fakta-fakta menarik tentang kucing yang harus anda ketahui.

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12 Most Useful Google Chrome Browser chrome Commands

12 Most Useful Google Chrome Browser chrome Commands

12 Most Useful Google Chrome Browser chrome:// Commands Many of these commands are known but the chrome://net-internals one interests me. It is one good way of seeing exactly which DNS server is being used (if you get your DNS server from your router or modem) and you can flush out the DNS cache here when needed (if you switch DNS servers). See

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11 Foto Keren Reflection Photography

11 Foto Keren Reflection Photography

Para Fotografer terkenal mengabadikan gambar yang begitu nyata, Berikut ialah gambar refleksi atau pantulan yang di ambil oleh fotografer handal. 

Radar Reflection


Blue Hour Reflections at the National Harbor


Two Churches and Reflection


London Bridge Hospital-5575


Wheel Reflection


Calatrava - Olympic Agora: rain reflection


Neues Rathaus in Hannover - Night


Harbor Reflections




Optical Illusion?-Sunken City


Party at the Bean!


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9 Penerima Honoris Causa yang Mengejutkan Publik

9 Penerima Honoris Causa yang Mengejutkan Publik

Foto : Mike Tyson, salah satu penerima gelar Honoris Cuasa/Telegraph
INGGRIS – Perguruan tinggi biasa memberikan gelar kehormatan atau disebut honoris causa kepada orang yang dinilai berjasa atau menghasilkan jasa bagi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan umat manusia.
Orang yang menerima honoris causa tidak harus kuliah atau lulus dari pendidikan yang sesuai dengan gelar yang diberikan. Gelar yang diberikan pun

Salah satu pemberian gelar doktor kehormatan yang menuai kontroversi adalah Universitas Indonesia. Universitas terkemuka di Indonesia ini mengundang perdebatan karena memberikan gelar kehormatan kepada Raja Arab Saudi, Abdullah. UI memberikan gelar karena menilai Abdullah berjasa dalam bidang kemanusiaan. Hal ini menjadi kontroversi karena diketahui, TKI asal Indonesia kerap mengalami penyiksaan di negara kaya minyak tersebut.

Selain UI dan Abdullah, ada beberapa universitas dunia yang membuat kejutan karena memberikan gelar kehormatan kepada insan yang kontroversial. Siapa saja mereka? Berikut daftarnya seperti dikutip dari Telegraph, Rabu (2/11/2011).

1. Courtney Love

Musisi kontroversial asal Amerika Serikat, Courtney Love menerima gelar Binaan Kehormatan dari Trinity College Philosophical Society di Dublin, Irlandia, tahun ini. Janda musisi grunge Kurt Cobain ini menghadiri upacara pemberian penghargaan dengan wajah kusut, sambil mengenakan jaket yang masih ada label harga yang menempel. Love membuat hadirin tertawa geli karena ekspresi wajah yang aneh.

Saat usia 15 tahun, Love menghabiskan waktu selama dua tahun di Irlandia. Saat itu, dia berbohong tentang usianya dan belajar selama dua semester di Trinity College. Yang unik, sebelum menjadi bintang rock, dia mengambil jurusan Teologi. Disebutkan, penerima gelar kehormatan diwajibkan melindungi masyarakat dan menggunakan nama baik mereka untuk menjamin kelangsungan hidup lebih baik.

2. Robert Mugabe

Presiden Zimbabwe ini memiliki empat gelar dari University of London. Penguasa Zimbabwe sejak 1980 ini mendapatkan gelarnya melalui program belajar jarak jauh. Dia dianugerahi gelar kehormatan pada 1984 oleh Universitas Edinburgh berkat jasanya di dunia pendidikan Afrika. Namun pada 2007, universitas ini mencabut gelar kehormatan setelah munculnya bukti Mugabe merupakan pemimpin yang brutal.

3. Kermit the Frog

Ikon serial populer Sesame Street ini dianugerahi gelar Doktor Kehormatan dalam Sastra Amfibi pada 19 Mei 1996 dari Southampton College, New York. Saat penganugerahan, Kermit the Frog memberikan pidato. Dua tahun sebelumnya, tokoh fenemoenal ini berbicara di hadapan 1.000 mahasiswa di Persatuan Masyarakat Oxford dan merupakan satu-satunya amfibi yang pernah melakukannya.

Dalam penganugerahan, Kermit menyatakan, “Tanggung jawab yang mewakili seluruh spesies bertumpu pada bahu saya”. Dia berbicara tentang pentingnya melindungi lingkungan, mendorong pelajar untuk “hidup hijau” dan memperingatkan mahasiswa perempuan agar tidak mencium katak (ini mengacu pada sebuah dongeng).

4. Slade

Band rock era 70-an asal Inggris ini menerima gelar kehormatan dari Wolverhampton University, Inggris. Pemberian gelar membuat kehebohan di antara para guru karena Slade dengan sengaja salah mengeja judul lagu mereka, Look Wot You Dun.

5. Mike Tyson

Petinju yang dropped out saat SMA ini menerima gelar kehormatan dari Central State University di Ohio, Amerika Serikat. Saat menyampaikan pidato penerimaan gelar, mantan narapidana ini menyampaikan kebingungannya. “Saya tidak yakin sesungguhnya gelar dokter apa yang saya terima, tapi melihat para suster yang cantik di sini, saya pikir akan menjadi dokter ginekologi,” katanya.

6. Orlando Bloom

Aktor berusia 33 tahun ini membawa orangtua dan istrinya saat menerima gelar kehormatan dari University of Kent, Inggris, tahun lalu. Padahal aktor tampan ini tidak lulus dari London’s Guildhall School of Music and Drama karena sibuk syuting film trilogi yang sukses di pasaran, Lord of the Rings.

7. Bill Gates

Pendiri Microsoft ini dropped out dari Harvard University saat mengambil kuliah matematika. Dia tidak lulus karena sibuk menjalankan bisnis komputer dari kamar asramanya. Namun, 23 tahun kemudian, Gates dipanggil Harvard untuk menerima gelar doktor kehormatan.

Saat pidato menerima gelar kehormatan, Gates berkata, “Ayah, saya selalu bilang saya akan kembali dan mendapatkan gelar. Saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Harvard atas gelar kehormatan yang tepat waktu. Saya akan mengubah pekerjaan saya tahun depan. Saya sangat senang karena akhirnya memiliki gelar universitas di resume.”

8. Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson dianugerahi gelar doktor teknik mesin dari Oxford Brookes University pada 2005. Saat penganugerahan gelar, para aktivis lingkungan hidup yang kecewa melempar wajahnya dengan kue pie custard.

Clarkson merupakan penyiar dan wartawan otomotif yang mengasuh acara televisi populer di BBC, Top Gear. Clarkson menjadi kontroversial karena kerap mengejek para pelaku gaya hidup hijau.

9. Margaret Thatcher

Pada 1985, akademisi memimpin kampanye melawan gelar kehormatan yang diberikan kepada Perdana Menteri Inggris Margaret Thatcher. Pasalnya, perempuan yang dijuluki Wanita Besi ini memotong dana pendidikan dan susu gratis bagi anak-anak. Saat memerintah, Thatcher menjadi perdana menteri pertama lulusan Oxford yang tidak menerima gelar doktor. Dia menerima penghargaan serupa dari universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Afrika Selatan.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

50 off Neural Networks from Scratch in Java course coupon 10

50 off Neural Networks from Scratch in Java course coupon 10

Hopfield networks, backpropagation
Lectures 30

Video 2.5 hours

Skill Level All Levels

Languages English

Includes Lifetime access

30 day money back guarantee!

Available on iOS and Android

Certificate of Completion

This course is about artificial neural networks. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are getting more and more popular nowadays. In the beginning, other techniques such as Support Vector Machines outperformed neural networks, but in the 21th century neural networks again gain popularity. In spite of the slow training procedure, neural networks can be very powerful. Applications ranges from regression problems to optical character recognition and face detection. In the first part of the course you will learn about the theoretical background of neural networks, later you will learn how to implement them. If you are keen on learning methods, let’s get started!

Full details

Basics of neural networks


Concrete implementation of neural networks

This course is recommended for students who are interested in artificial intelligence focusing on neural networks

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About Lumia 625H

About Lumia 625H

As it has been in the promised microsoft will inaugurate Windows 10 on 29 july 2015, and has been on the launches. But, what about the Windows phone 10 ... Can all Lumia can enjoy WP 10? If you can, just some Lumia mobile phone can run Windows phone 10. For example: Lumia 625H.

Since the inauguration of the Windows 10, insider program a selection of Ring slow will instantly get Windows phone 10 Build 10.0.10166.0 ... not through Build 10. 0. 10149. 0. For update: the settings menu >> phone update.

After we tried running WP 10 on Lumia 625H, can already in get it. But there are still many bugs that need to be fixed, especially the problems of internet connection via a sim card which could not in turn ON. However, your users can Still perform lumia 625H browsing or use the internet connection via Wifi. In this case, there are some who are into consideration, if you want WP to 10 in OS Lumia 625H
  • Very heavy multitasking: it will feel after you opt in applications which already opened from an application that is already in the open before. This is likely to be long, even force close .
  • For surf applications like a Microsoft Edge (before internet Explorer) also could not count on in 625H Lumia. Sometimes the application could not be opened, because the Lumia 625H too heavy hold other applications are still open. The solution: Going smoothly if you just open one application only.
It looks like, this is just a matter of time until the developers can fix Bugs that exist in lumia 625H, because it would only have RAM Lumia 512 only.

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10 Shine Styles V 13

10 Shine Styles V 13 Shine Styles V.13 - Text Effects Styles

Fantasy shine text effects for photoshop, just one click applicable photoshop text effects.
10 photoshop styles just one click applicable
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Note: Link font in the ReadMe! file. • Don’t forget to rate it.Thanks!
More Download Link:

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1000 Greatest Windows Hidden Secret and Tips

1000 Greatest Windows Hidden Secret and Tips

Over 1000 of the most useful tips for Windows XP compiled and collected in one handy pocket guide. Essential advice compiled from the only official Windows XP magazine ...

  • 25 instant troubleshooting solutions
  • 60 suggestions for better digital photos
  • 250 expert hints to boots Windows XP
  • 300 tips for Microsoft Office XP
  • And 450 more PC tricks inside!
123 Pages | PDF | English | 12 Mb
Plus! Over 50 essential keyboard shortcuts

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Đám giổ lần 1 TĂNG THÀNH BỘ 15 5 2016

Đám giổ lần 1 TĂNG THÀNH BỘ 15 5 2016

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50 off Fast Track SSAS SQL Analysis Services 2016 MDX Training course coupon 25

50 off Fast Track SSAS SQL Analysis Services 2016 MDX Training course coupon 25

Learn job-oriented practical SSAS & MDX from scratch, appear interviews confidently, and earn a job paying $85k to $150k
Lectures 34

Video 5 hours

Skill Level All Levels

Languages English

Includes Lifetime access

30 day money back guarantee!

Available on iOS and Android

Certificate of Completion

My name is Siddharth Mehta, and I have more than 14 years experience in I.T. industry working internationally for clients. I have worked on a number of projects having data as large as 20 TB and using SSAS as the analytics technology. I have authored more than 200 articles, couple of books, and a whitepaper for MSDN. I have been an Microsoft SQL Server MVP for 3 years. I have shared my learnings in this course.

Developers who want to quickly get upto speed on SSAS and MDX development / administrators who want to quickly learn managing large scale SSAS installations /  Students who want to appear for certifications that include SSAS as a technology / Students who are considering a guided training before appearing an important job / technology interview with a client should consider taking this course.

It’s a fast track course to learn practical SSAS ( SQL Server Analysis Services ) and MDX code development using the latest version of SQL Server – 2016. No prior experience of working with SSAS / MDX required.

Course includes practical hands-on exercises, theoretical coverage of key concepts, practice test questions for certifications, interview questions, and more. This course covers all the topics for developers as well as administrators. 

The course is structured in the following categories: Fundamentals, Design, Development, MDX Code development, Administration and Performance Tuning. Students subscribing this course would have access to all the content, and can opt to learn the content of their choice as per their convenience.

Full details

By end of this course, you should be able to work with actual clients, technology architects, or team leads on a large scale SQL Server Analysis Services Project

Learn SQL Server Analysis Services ( SSAS ) and Multidimensional Data Expressions ( MDX ) query language on latest version of SQL Server – 2016 on a fast track with more practicals and limited theory necessary for fundamentals

Test your knowledge with more than 100 SSAS and MDX interview or Microsoft BI certification practice test questions

Design, Model and Build SSAS database, data warehouse or data mart, and database objects like facts, dimensions, cubes, measures, perspectives, etc

Develop MDX code with confidence

Deploy SSAS solutions and learn SSAS administration tasks like backup and restore, processing dimensions and measures, building aggregations, etc

Debug issues and performance tune SSAS solutions for optimal performance

Full details

Open minded professionals seeking to give a competitive edge to their carrer in the field of data and analytics should definitely consider in enrolling for this course

This course is for those who want to start a career in the analytics space by learning a niche skill

If you are planning to appear for a SSAS job interview or MS BI Certification, this course is for you

MDX developers are one of the most sought after professionals in the analytics data space. This course is for those who are ready to invest their time in a complex skill to differentiate themselves from the crowd.

This course is specially designed for those working or who want to work in the role of MS BI Architect, MDX Developer, SSAS Administrator, SSAS Architect, SSAS Developer, Data Modeler, MS BI Developer, SSAS Performance Engineering Specialist and others

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

“GeekBusters” Tech Myths Debunked!

“GeekBusters” Tech Myths Debunked!

In this tech tip, we expose the myth and reality surrounding some of the biggest trends in our technology-oriented world. Hopefully, this will shed some light which can help you better understand how these crazy gadgets work!

1. Why a cable Internet service providers (ISP) advertised speeds are not actually reality

While its attractive to see that ISPs advertise 10-15 megabits per second download speed, the reality is that you share the same network node as your neighbor (and neighborhood) when it comes to network logistics. So if you and 15 of your neighbors who have the same cable Internet provider are all online, that 10-15 mbps is split between each of you. Whats worse is that if one of your neighbors is downloading 24/7, then youll see reduced speed all the time. The highest chance of your networks peak performance is late in the evening when everyone else is asleep.

2. True or False - Your CD burners 52X speed is
truly 52X speed

False-ish - The fine print here is that first, in order to achieve 52X speed, you would need a 52X compact disc. Second, when the cd burner starts, it begins at the inside of the disc and works its way out. Thats why some burning programs that show real-time speed will say its burning at 2.5X speed after 1-2 minutes. The 52X speed is achieved as the burner gets closer and closer to the outer edge of the disc. This is the same for burning DVDs.

3. True or False - Megabits and Megabytes are
the same thing

False - Keep in mind that MEGABITS (Mb) is a unit of measurement for network transfer speed. Megabytes (MB) is a unit of storage such as hard drives. Thats why when Internet service providers pitch their fast speeds, they always reference megabits. Therefore, a 1 megabit transfer speed does not mean being able to move 1 megabyte across a network. 1 megabit is about .125 megabytes.

4. Why your 500GB hard drive only shows 465GB of space when you look under MY COMPUTER

Your computer reads information in different ways.

So for example:
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 Kilobytes (KB) - BASE 2 (2 ^ 20 = 1,048,576 bytes)
1 Gigabyte (GB) - 1024 Megabytes (MB) - BASe 2 (2 ^ 30 = 1,073,741,824 bytes)
1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 Kilobytes (KB) - BASE 10 (10 ^ 6 = 1,000,000 bytes)
1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 Megabytes (MB) - Base 10 (10 ^ 9 = 1,000,000,000 bytes)
Because we know that 1024 Megabytes (MB) => 1 Gigabyte (GB) => BASE 2 (2 ^ 30 = 1,073,741,824), 500 GB equals 500 x 1,073,741,824 bytes or 536,870,912,000 bytes.
We also know that in BASE 10, 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes
So lets look at what we have:
536,870,912,000 (500GB IN BASE 2)
--------------------- = 1.073741824
(500 x 1,000,000,000) (500GB IN BASE 10)
And if we multiply 1.073741824 x 465, we get 499.28994816, which, if rounded up equals 500 GB
Hard Drive Manufacturers use the binary method when manufacturing their drives but Windows reads the information in the decimal format to show the size. However, which would be more attractive? Buying a hard drive advertised as a 536,870,912,200 byte drive or having it say a simple 500 GB?

5. True or False - The 750 watt power supply you
just purchased for $22 is really putting out 750 watts

False-ish - Similar to how a car with 236 lb-ft of torque provides 100% of it at a certain engine rpm speed, PSU manufacturers know that power supplies hit their max wattage at certain points in time.
For example, 750 watts might be attained with 1 hard drive and 1 optical drive while the computer is idling. Also, its a dead give-away if you paid only $22 for a high-powered PSU. Look for a PSU that certifies their wattage. So if you see an Antec TRUE 550W power supply, its Antecs way of saying that the PSU provides 550 watts of power at any given time. Another way to tell that a PSU is reliable is if it’s heavy. Quality-made PSUs are engineered with heavy-duty and longer-lasting capacitors.

6. True or False - Buying a larger-screen size
notebook automatically equals more viewing space

False - Between 15.5" and 16" screen sizes, most entry-level notebooks have a resolution of 1366 x 768 which is fine but doesnt offer more space. Most 17" notebooks have 1440 x 900 resolution.
If youre looking for more viewing space, opt for a higher resolution.
In other words:
15" - 1680 x 1050 or 1920 x 1080
17" - 1600 x 900, 1680 x 1050 or 1920 x 1080
The images, icons and text appear crisper and you can fit browsers side-by-side along with being able to simultaneously view all folders without having to press Alt-Tab to switch windows/folders.

7. Buying a computer with more cores (more
than dual-core) equals much faster performance

False - Mathematically-speaking, more cores would theoretically yield better performance but the issue is that many simple, everyday programs like Microsoft Word, FireFox and Excel wont know to use the extra cores to run the program faster. However, gamers and graphic designers whose programs will see (and utilize) the additional cores will benefit from it. If you want more performance, focus on optimizing the hard drive such as defragmentation, reducing programs that run on start-up (which slow the system down), adding more RAM and cleaning the Windows registry. So ultimately, you really wont see much of a speed difference between a dual-core cpu computer and a hexacore (6-core) computer both running FireFox and Microsoft Word simultaneously.

In Conclusion

The common denominator for these tech myths is that their “validity” is usually exaggerated marketing hype and manufacturer/retailer buzz words in order to entice customers to buy their products, thus adding confusion to the reality. So the next time you’re in the market for a new cheap laptop, digital camera, phone, discount mp3 player, etc., don’t automatically digest the excessive marketing that salespeople throw to close the sale."

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Accept All Friends Request in Facebook Tutorial

Accept All Friends Request in Facebook Tutorial

How to accept all friends request in facebook, watch the tutorial in video.

Accept All Friends Request in Facebook - Tutorial

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017



Hey everyone, here is one more exclusive free picture pack! Released by us! I´ve been fishing/camping these days in this nice and cozy autumn environment  and here it is some pictures that i´ve been taking there. Ive been taking this pics with my Canon EOS M and they look great HD quality pics. I really hope you enjoy this freebie and feel free to use in your design projects, this is totally free for commercial use!!! yes!! . So spread around and dont forget to follow us on Dribbble and Behance and keep always updated with new goodies.


pictures photos images pic pics free image photography

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3min 14sec greenpeace clip Ludovico Einaudi performs 1 of his own compositions on a floating platform against the backdrop of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier in Svalbard Norway

3min 14sec greenpeace clip Ludovico Einaudi performs 1 of his own compositions on a floating platform against the backdrop of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier in Svalbard Norway

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11 4 08

11 4 08

  I did these character designs for a friend a little while back. Had a lot of fun doing it! I miss doing character design these days-- I find when I am bored animating I whip out a clean sheet of paper and start doodling a design or a thumbnail for a future design to keep my mind active. But to be fair, when I was doing character design I missed animating. I know as an animator studying design is imperative to doing good animation. For some reason people seem to segregate design and drawing as separate things.  They are not, drawing IS design-- whether its well designed or not, it IS a design. Maybe this segregation of thinking is why hand drawn animation tends to look so, well, bland. Too many people buy off on the lie that audiences to not relate to graphic character designs. They relate to who they are, not what they look like. Hopefully well get an opportunity to blow that old idea out of the water one of these days!  

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